‘Daniel Stern spills secrets on ’90s sitcom costar harassment in new tell-all’


Daniel Stern, known for his role in the iconic ’90s film “Home Alone,” has opened up about his experience as a whistleblower on a sitcom from that era. In his new memoir titled “Home and Alone,” Stern reveals the shocking events that unfolded during the production of “Partners” in 1999. Initially excited about the opportunity, Stern’s enthusiasm quickly waned as the show became embroiled in allegations of sexual harassment and a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the “Home Alone” star.

Stern recalls being offered a significant amount of money and even being made an executive producer for the show. With a renowned director, Brett Ratner, and a talented cast that included Jeremy Piven, Stern had high hopes for the series. However, things took a dark turn when women on set started confiding in him about their experiences of sexual harassment by both Ratner and Piven.

Disturbed by these revelations, Stern approached the other executive producers to address the issue. Shockingly, he claims that he was advised to keep quiet about it and assured that they would handle the situation. Undeterred, Stern persisted and eventually found himself in a meeting with Columbia TV executives who were less than pleased with his concerns. They were determined to protect the show’s chances of success and discouraged him from causing any controversy.

As Stern was leaving the meeting, a producer allegedly warned him not to say anything to anyone, threatening legal action if he did. Specifically, he was instructed not to inform Les Moonves, the then-CEO of CBS, who would later resign in 2018 due to sexual harassment allegations. However, just days before CBS announced its lineup, Stern received a furious call from a producer who falsely accused him of leaving a message for Moonves expressing his reluctance to continue with the series.

Despite Stern’s efforts, “Partners” did not get picked up, and Columbia TV filed a $25 million lawsuit against the actor, accusing him of sabotaging the show. To resolve the matter, Stern was forced to return the money he had been paid for the series, and the lawsuit was dropped. The entire ordeal left Stern feeling terrified, embarrassed, and disillusioned with the industry.

Reflecting on the experience, Stern expressed gratitude for the MeToo movement, which has shed light on the pervasive issue of sexual harassment in the entertainment industry. In his book, he boldly calls out Brett Ratner, Jeremy Piven, Les Moonves, and the top-level executive at Columbia, expressing his disdain for their actions.

Representatives for Piven and Ratner have not yet responded to requests for comment. Meanwhile, Olivia Munn has previously accused Ratner of masturbating in front of her on a movie set in 2004, and Moonves has faced allegations of hiding evidence of his sexual misconduct in 2018. Piven has vehemently denied any allegations of improper behavior and considers himself a casualty of the #MeToo movement. Ratner has also denied all accusations made against him in the past.

Breaking News: Shocking Scandal Unveiled at Hollywood’s Hottest Party!

In a stunning turn of events, a scandalous secret was exposed at the star-studded event of the year. Hollywood’s elite were left speechless as the truth behind their glamorous façades was revealed. It all began when an anonymous source leaked exclusive information to our team, shedding light on the dark underbelly of Tinseltown.

According to the insider, a prominent A-list celebrity, whose identity we are legally bound to protect, has been living a double life. Behind closed doors, this superstar has been engaging in a web of deceit, cheating on their partner with a fellow industry heavyweight. The shocking affair has left fans and industry insiders in disbelief, as this power couple had always been seen as the epitome of love and stability.

Our investigation has uncovered evidence of secret rendezvous, clandestine meetings, and even a hidden love nest. The details are too scandalous to print, but rest assured, this story will rock Hollywood to its core. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to dig deeper into this jaw-dropping scandal.

In other news, a beloved pop sensation is making headlines once again. Known for their chart-topping hits and provocative performances, this music sensation has taken the world by storm. But behind the glitz and glamour, a darker side to their success story has emerged.

Our sources reveal that this pop star has been battling personal demons, struggling with addiction and mental health issues. Despite their public image of perfection, this celebrity has been silently fighting their own battles, seeking solace in the darkest corners of their fame.

But there is hope on the horizon. In an exclusive interview, the pop sensation opens up about their journey to recovery, shedding light on the pressures of fame and the toll it takes on one’s mental well-being. This candid confession is a must-read for fans and critics alike, offering a rare glimpse into the real person behind the celebrity persona.

As we continue to bring you the latest entertainment news, stay tuned for more exclusive scoops, shocking revelations, and the inside stories that will keep you hooked. Hollywood’s secrets are about to be exposed, and you won’t want to miss a single moment of the action.