Dame Judi Dench, 89, hints end of 70-year film career.



Iconic actress Dame Judi Dench, known for her roles in the James Bond franchise and Philomena, has suggested that she may be stepping away from the acting world. The 89-year-old star has not appeared in any films for the past two years and has now seemingly confirmed that her on-screen career is over.

During a recent interview at the Chelsea Flower Show, a journalist asked Dame Judi if she had any upcoming movies in the pipeline. In a nonchalant manner, she responded, “No, no, I can’t even see!” This comment has sparked speculation about her retirement from acting.

When approached for further clarification, her agent stated that Dame Judi had nothing more to add beyond what she had already mentioned to the journalist. It is worth noting that the actress has been open about her struggle with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a condition that causes a gradual deterioration of eyesight.

While AMD does not typically result in complete blindness, it can make daily activities challenging. Dame Judi has previously shared that she can no longer see on a film set and struggles with reading due to her condition. Despite these difficulties, she has relied on her photographic memory to continue working in the industry.

In a conversation with Louis Theroux in 2022, the Shakespeare in Love star expressed her desire to keep working and stated that she did not want to retire. However, she acknowledged the limitations imposed by her deteriorating eyesight. “I’m not doing much at the moment because I can’t see. It’s bad,” she admitted. Nevertheless, Dame Judi’s remarkable ability to memorize lines through her photographic memory has allowed her to overcome some of the challenges posed by her condition.

While it remains uncertain whether Dame Judi Dench will make a return to the screen in the future, her contributions to the acting world will undoubtedly be remembered and cherished by fans worldwide.

Judi Dench, the iconic actress known for her roles in Shakespearean plays, recently made headlines at the Chelsea Flower Show. She was honored with a seedling from the famous Sycamore Gap Tree, which she named ‘Antoninus’ after the adopted son of Emperor Hadrian. The tearful moment showcased her deep appreciation for history and nature.

While Judi may have stepped away from the silver screen, she remains as busy as ever. In fact, she recently released a book titled “Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays The Rent” and has several upcoming appearances, including the Cheltenham Book Fair and three shows with Gyles Brandreth. Despite her age, Judi proves that she is still a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry.

In a groundbreaking move, Judi has also made history by becoming the first woman to join the exclusive Garrick Club. This private members’ club, which has been around for 193 years, has finally opened its doors to women, and Judi is among the esteemed group of actors and artists who have been invited to join. This achievement further solidifies Judi’s status as a trailblazer and national treasure.

Throughout her illustrious career, Judi has received numerous accolades, including an Oscar, a Tony, two Golden Globes, four Bafta TV awards, six Bafta film awards, and seven Olivier Awards. Her talent and dedication to her craft have made her a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.

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