Cult survivor attempts suicide over abuse


Man who escaped ‘cult’ church reveals suicide attempts due to trauma

John ‘Gilli’ Gilliland, 35, has opened up about his experiences growing up in the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (PBCC), which he describes as a ‘cult’. The commercial director, now residing in Northallerton, North Yorkshire, claims he was sexually abused by a member of the church and was subjected to strict rules, such as not being allowed to listen to music or go on dates. Gilli, who changed his name to distance himself from his past, reveals that he attempted suicide three times as a result of the trauma he endured.

In a shocking revelation, Gilli also claims that the PBCC staff would glue pages of books together if they were deemed to go against the church’s teachings. The church, however, denies these allegations. He also believes that the church monitored all communication when mobile phones were introduced. Gilli further discloses that he was sexually abused by a member of the church from the age of 14 to 20, but it took him a decade to accept what had happened due to the stigma surrounding it. He has not reported the abuse to the police.

In 2012, at the age of 24, Gilli made the courageous decision to leave the church in order to be with a non-church member, whom he later married. Since then, he has had no contact with his family and has embraced a life without faith. Reflecting on his experiences, Gilli admits to having three suicide attempts, attributing them to feeling inadequate for not conforming to the church’s strict rules and the immense impact of losing everything he had ever known. The structured and rigid life within the church left him unprepared for the freedom of the outside world.

Gilli believes that the teachings of the church were based on biblical principles, but twisted to serve their own agenda. He reveals that he was denied sex education in school and prohibited from visiting public places like cinemas and restaurants. While Gilli may not be proud of his past, he courageously shares his story to shed light on the dark realities of life within the PBCC and to raise awareness about the lasting impact of such experiences.

Former Church Member Reveals Strict and Abusive Upbringing

In a shocking revelation, a former member of a religious sect has come forward to share the strict and controlling nature of his upbringing. Gilli, who no longer identifies with a religion, attended a mainstream school where he experienced bullying due to his religious beliefs. He was constantly forced to decline invitations from friends to play after school because of his faith.

During his teenage years, Gilli was homeschooled by a former teacher who was also a member of the sect. He then went on to attend a specific school affiliated with the group until he completed Year 12. Gilli recalls the school being extremely restrictive, with staff even going as far as to glue together pages of books that they deemed inappropriate or contradictory to the church’s teachings.

At home, Gilli’s upbringing was equally strict, with every aspect of his life controlled by the church. From the moment he woke up in the morning to the amount of Bible reading he was expected to do, his entire day was regulated. He was required to attend church services daily, Monday to Friday, as well as on Saturday mornings and four times on Sundays. The lack of freedom of choice was suffocating.

Now happily married with three children, Gilli has also revealed a dark secret from his past. Starting from the age of 14 until he was 20, he claims to have been sexually abused by a member of the church. Shockingly, he alleges that the church has protected the abuser, a claim that the church vehemently denies. Gilli expresses his frustration and pain, knowing that the person who harmed him will likely never face justice.

For a long time, Gilli struggled to come to terms with the abuse he endured. The stigma attached to sexual abuse made it difficult for him to acknowledge what had happened. He even felt a sense of guilt, blaming himself for the abuse. This internal struggle prevented him from reporting the abuse to the police, as no one else had witnessed the horrors he experienced.

Throughout his time within the sect, Gilli rarely rebelled against the rules. The most rebellious act he can recall was buying a copy of the Abba Gold CD. He claims that all pre-recorded music was banned within the church, a claim that the church denies. He vividly remembers people going to extreme lengths, such as removing the radio from their cars, just to avoid hearing any forbidden music.

Gilli’s story sheds light on the oppressive and abusive nature of some religious sects. It serves as a reminder of the importance of exposing such practices and providing support for survivors of abuse.

Former Church Member Opens Up About Leaving and Finding Happiness

In a shocking revelation, a former member of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church has spoken out about his decision to leave the church and find happiness outside its strict confines. Gilli Gilliland, now 24, shared his story of breaking free from the church’s rules and pursuing his own path.

Gilli recalled the moments when he first began questioning the strict regulations imposed by the church. “Sometimes you might not even necessarily get discovered, it will just be that your conscience will break you and you’ll get rid of it (the CD) because you think you’re not supposed to have it,” he explained. He also revealed that he was made to smash his mobile phone when he was caught with it at the age of 20.

However, it was when Gilli developed romantic feelings for a colleague, who was not a member of the church, that he knew he had to make a choice. After three months of secretly dating, he decided to leave the church to be with his girlfriend. “I wasn’t going to end a relationship just because of rules and I wasn’t going to be told I shouldn’t fall in love,” he boldly stated.

On December 27, 2012, Gilli officially left the church. Initially, he feared the repercussions of his decision, believing he would be “struck down” for engaging in activities forbidden by the church. But as time went on, he adjusted to a new life where he could freely watch television and attend concerts.

Gilli vividly remembers his first concert experience, seeing Gary Barlow perform. He was overwhelmed by the atmosphere and felt a sense of confusion when watching TV shows like The Jeremy Kyle Show for the first time. Since leaving the church, Gilli has had three children and has chosen not to impose any religious beliefs on them.

Sadly, Gilli has no contact with his family, who are still members of the church. “They’re always going to be your parents but genuinely, I would say I don’t know my parents anymore,” he shared. Despite this, Gilli has found solace in hosting a podcast called Get A Life, where he speaks to other ex-members of the church and processes the trauma he experienced.

In response to Gilli’s story, a spokesperson from the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church expressed sadness about the challenges he faced but emphasized that his experience does not reflect the beliefs or practices of the church. They highlighted the church’s commitment to care and compassion, as well as their efforts to support charitable activities and address mental health issues.

As Gilli continues on his journey of self-discovery and happiness, he remains grateful for the support he has received from others who have left the church. His story serves as a reminder that following one’s heart and pursuing personal happiness should always be a priority.

Breaking News: Shocking Revelations in Sports Scandal!

In a stunning turn of events, a major sports scandal has come to light, leaving fans and experts alike in disbelief. The shocking revelations have sent shockwaves through the sporting world, leaving many questioning the integrity of the game.

The scandal involves high-profile athletes who have been accused of engaging in illegal activities to gain an unfair advantage. These allegations have rocked the industry, tarnishing the reputations of some of the biggest names in sports.

Sources close to the investigation have revealed that the athletes in question were involved in a sophisticated doping scheme, using banned substances to enhance their performance. This scandal has raised serious concerns about the effectiveness of anti-doping measures and the ability of sports organizations to maintain a level playing field.

Furthermore, it has been alleged that several officials within the sporting world were aware of these illegal activities and turned a blind eye. This shocking revelation has only deepened the crisis, with fans demanding answers and justice for the athletes who have been cheated.

The fallout from this scandal is expected to be far-reaching, with potential consequences for not only the athletes involved but also the wider sporting community. Many are calling for a thorough investigation and for those responsible to be held accountable for their actions.

As the story continues to develop, it is clear that this scandal will have a lasting impact on the world of sports. Fans and athletes alike are left wondering how such a betrayal of trust could have occurred and what steps can be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Stay tuned as we bring you the latest updates on this developing story. This is a scandal that will undoubtedly shape the future of sports as we know it.