Coronation Street bombshell: Sarah’s life-changing confession after shocking act


In a shocking turn of events, Sarah Platt (Tina O’Brien) takes drastic measures to protect her daughter Bethany (Lucy Fallon) from the clutches of evil Nathan Curtis (Chris Harper) in upcoming episodes of Coronation Street. Determined to banish him from their lives once and for all, Sarah plants evidence to frame Nathan for the killing of Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton).

Bethany’s life was forever changed in 2017 when Nathan groomed and raped her. Despite serving time in prison for his crimes, Nathan has recently returned to Weatherfield, causing Sarah to fear for her daughter’s well-being. In an attempt to provoke Bethany, Nathan harasses her by driving his van past her, leaving her in a state of distress. Sarah and Bethany report this incident to the police, accusing Nathan of breaking the terms of his release.

In a desperate bid to make Nathan leave Weatherfield, Sarah confronts him about the £10,000 she paid him. However, her efforts are met with laughter and a clear refusal to comply. Undeterred, Sarah devises a cunning plan. Using a hair bobble left behind by Lauren at the Platt’s house, Sarah takes it to the building site where Nathan works. Her intention is to plant it in Nathan’s van, providing the police with evidence linking him to Lauren’s disappearance.

Unfortunately for Sarah, her plan is foiled when police officer Kit Green (Jacob Roberts) catches her in the act. Faced with the possibility of being charged, Sarah admits her intentions to Kit. Actress Tina O’Brien explains, “She’s really scared…she knows it’s illegal but she’s been blinded by her want and need to protect Bethany and not thought the consequences through.” Fortunately, Kit lets her off with a warning, urging her to let the police handle the situation.

Shortly after Sarah’s close call, Nathan is arrested, bringing some relief to the Platts. As the drama unfolds, fans of Coronation Street can’t help but wonder what lies ahead for their beloved characters. If you’re eager to stay up-to-date with all the latest spoilers and gossip from your favorite soaps, join 10,000 other fans on our soap chat platform. Simply click ‘Join Chat’ and be the first to know when we drop the juiciest spoilers. Don’t forget to turn on notifications for instant updates!


In a shocking twist, Sarah confronts Kit about the contents of Nathan’s van. And what she learns leaves her speechless. Inside the vehicle, they found one of Lauren’s hairs! But how did it get there? Sarah suspects it may have come from the hair bobble she brought along. Will this clue lead them to the truth?


When Sarah confesses her actions to Bethany and Daniel, the consequences become clear. Daniel is furious! He points out that if Nathan is innocent, Sarah’s actions could land him in prison while the real abductor remains at large. Has Sarah made a massive mistake that could cost an innocent man his freedom?


As the tension mounts, Sarah is left questioning her every move. Will her impulsive decision have dire consequences? And will they ever find the person responsible for Lauren’s abduction? Stay tuned for more updates on this gripping story!