Cindy Adams gets high school diploma at 94 from Gov. Kathy Hochul


Legendary columnist Cindy Adams, known for her quantum gossip skills, finally received her high school diploma at her 94th birthday bash in NYC. The prestigious degree was presented by none other than Gov. Kathy Hochul, making it an extra special moment for Adams. Despite her success, Adams had never graduated from Andrew Jackson High School in Queens due to her inability to sew and failing home economics. Reflecting on the experience, Adams shared, “I was all set for college at 15, but the school required girls to make their own graduation dress. I couldn’t sew, so my mother hired a professional to finish it. However, the principal insisted that since I didn’t make it myself, I couldn’t graduate. It’s proof that a college education is essential for success.”

Despite the setback, Adams outlasted the school, which closed its doors in 1994. Over the years, her influential friends campaigned behind the scenes to ensure she received her long-overdue diploma. Previous officials were resistant and suggested she take the GED exam instead. However, their persistence paid off, and Adams is now officially a member of the class of ’46, 78 years later. Alongside her diploma, Adams received a plaque featuring her maiden name, Cynthia Heller, an image of her alma mater, and a “Discharge Card” from the school dated May 1, 1946.

To celebrate her birthday and witness the surprise diploma presentation, Adams hosted a gathering at her apartment. Among the notable guests were former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, NYC Mayor Eric Adams, Woody Allen, Al Sharpton, Kellyanne Conway, Bill O’Reilly, and Don Lemon. Adams, who prides herself on her youthful appearance, shared, “I’m a size 8, 5-foot-4, 118 pounds, and a 34B bra size. I’ve seen it all, from the construction of the pyramids to the present day.”

The celebration continued with soap opera legend Susan Lucci, Rosanna Scotto, Cuomo’s mother Matilda, Larry Kudlow, John Catsimatidis, Scott Stringer, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, News Corp CEO Robert Thomson, and New York Post Group Editor-in-Chief Keith Poole raising a toast to Adams. It’s moments like these that truly capture the essence of New York City.