Supermodel Christie Brinkley took to Instagram to share a personal health update with her fans. The 70-year-old beauty revealed that she recently underwent a biopsy after her doctor discovered a cancerous spot near her temple. But don’t worry, Brinkley assured her followers that the basal cell carcinoma was caught early and successfully removed by her “great Doctors.”

Brinkley shared several photos from the procedure, showing herself sitting in an operating chair with a white gauze-like headband holding her hair back. The doctor removed a nickel-size area of skin from her face, skillfully stitching her up and placing a bandage on the incision.

The supermodel explained that she was actually at the doctor’s office for her daughter’s appointment when the doctor noticed the mark on her face. She described how the doctor meticulously examined every freckle with a magnifying glass and, at the end, she asked him to take a look at a tiny dot she had felt while applying foundation. It turned out that the dot needed a biopsy, and the doctor performed it right then and there. Talk about luck!

Brinkley used her experience as a reminder to her fans about the importance of regular check-ups and sun protection. She emphasized that catching skin cancer early is crucial and can be avoided with diligence. The model admitted that she had been a bit late in taking sun protection seriously but vowed to make changes. She plans to slather on SPF 30, wear long sleeves, and a wide-brim hat to shield herself from harmful rays. Brinkley also stressed the importance of total body check-ups, urging everyone to make them a must.

This isn’t the first time Brinkley has faced skin damage. In a previous interview with People, she revealed that her career in modeling had left her covered in sun spots. To combat this, she has been getting skin-resurfacing Fraxel treatments twice a year. Despite the recent procedure possibly leaving a scar, Brinkley has always embraced the natural aging process. She expressed her desire to accept certain wrinkles and maintain a sense of life on her face. For her, aging gracefully means letting go of the pressure to look forever young through procedures like Botox and surgery.

Brinkley’s candidness about her skin cancer scare serves as a reminder to us all to prioritize our health and protect ourselves from the sun. Let’s take a page from her book and embrace our natural beauty while staying vigilant about our well-being.