Channing Tatum & Jenna Dewan’s Post-Divorce Friction: Surprisingly Relatable

Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Tatum

Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan are caught up in a messy money dispute following their divorce. The main bone of contention? The profits from the highly successful Magic Mike franchise, which is complicating their once straightforward separation.

Dewan is not holding back, as court documents reveal. She is accusing Tatum of using their joint funds to secure the rights for Magic Mike. She is determined to get her fair share and is seeking an equal division of the treasure chest. Tatum, on the other hand, claims that he has been the driving force behind the franchise, putting his heart, soul, and a lot of hard work into it even after their split.

This financial battle has escalated to the point where mediation sessions have failed, and the ex-couple is headed for a trial on December 8. Despite the legal standoff, sources close to them reveal an unexpected twist: both Tatum and Dewan want to close this chapter of their lives and are not looking to make the other suffer.

Actress Jenna Dewan is living her childhood dream of having a big family as she is expecting her third child. Despite the challenges of this pregnancy, she is excited about the joyous chaos of family life with her fiancé Steve Kazee.

“Both would like to move past these final issues,” shared a source with PEOPLE, emphasizing their mutual desire to move forward. The story doesn’t end with their separation, as both have found new love. Tatum has been romantically linked to Zoë Kravitz since 2021, while Dewan started a relationship with Steve Kazee just six months after her split from Tatum. They welcomed their son, Callum, in March 2020, and announced in January 2024 that they are expecting another child.

Amidst the financial tension, the heart of Tatum and Dewan’s relationship remains focused on co-parenting their daughter, Everly. “They don’t hate each other,” said an insider, dispelling rumors of animosity. As the court date approaches, there is hope for a fair resolution that avoids bitterness over the division of the Magic Mike fortune.

Divorce: Women’s Incomes Plummet While Men See Gains

In a shocking turn of events, the aftermath of divorce often leaves women with a devastating blow to their household incomes. Recent studies show that women can experience a staggering 23% to 40% decrease in their financial stability, while men, on the other hand, may even see an increase in their income. This stark contrast highlights the complex dynamics at play, not only in the case of celebrities like Tatum and Dewan but also as a reflection of wider societal trends. It remains to be seen if they can resolve their financial woes before resorting to legal action.

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