Cate Blanchett shocks fans claiming she’s ‘middle class’ with $95 million fortune


Cate Blanchett shocks fans with her claim of being “middle class” despite her estimated net worth of $95 million. The renowned “Lord of the Rings” star made this statement during a United Nations press conference at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. Blanchett, who has been an active advocate for humanitarian causes, was discussing her role as a goodwill ambassador and her efforts to provide a platform for refugee filmmakers. She acknowledged her privilege as a white, privileged, and middle-class individual, and expressed how her interactions with refugees have transformed her perspective on the world. The actress expressed her gratitude for the experience and encouraged others in positions of influence to engage in dialogue with these individuals, highlighting their extraordinary talents and unique perspectives.

While Blanchett’s intentions were well-meaning, her claim of being “middle class” left viewers in disbelief. Many commented on the video, questioning her self-perception. Given her involvement in major film franchises and an estimated net worth of $95 million, it seemed implausible for her to classify herself as middle class. Social media users expressed their astonishment, with one person stating, “you think you’re middle class, Cate Blanchett?” Another user pointed out her significant wealth and questioned, “in what world is she ‘middle class’?” The general consensus was that a net worth of $95 million is far from being middle class.

However, some individuals defended Blanchett, suggesting that she may have been comparing herself to actors who are billionaires. They argued that in comparison to those individuals, Blanchett’s net worth could be considered middle class. One fan explained that there are different tiers of wealth, with billionaires being at the top, followed by those with hundreds of millions, and then those with hundreds of thousands. According to this perspective, Blanchett could be seen as belonging to the upper middle class category. Despite the varying opinions, Blanchett’s representative did not provide an immediate response to the controversy.