Cat Deeley warns Ben Shephard after revealing rare marriage insight.


Ben Shephard’s marriage update has caused quite a stir on social media, with co-anchor Cat Deeley playfully scolding him. She warned him that he’s in trouble and that the Reno is imminent. However, her warning was accompanied by laughter and a heart emoji, suggesting that it was all in good fun.

Ben had shared a stunning image of his wife, who is a garden designer, at the Chelsea Flower Show. In the caption, he expressed how proud he was of her and how she was in her element. He also mentioned that they had spent the day at the show, admiring the amazing gardens supported by Project Giving Back. He even gave a special shoutout to his wife’s work, saying that he was inspired by her and her designs.

Annie, Ben’s wife, is relatively new to the world of gardening. However, her talent and hard work have already been recognized. Last July, she won a prestigious award for one of her designs after completing a horticulture course. Ben couldn’t help but express his pride and excitement for her, saying that he couldn’t be more proud of her and what the future holds for her.

Fans of Ben and Annie were quick to comment on his post, expressing their admiration for Annie’s work and even requesting her services. One fan, @nicvernwood, welcomed the idea of Annie sharing her inspiration and praised her for looking fabulous as always. Another fan, @wiseman_carol, pointed out the cost-saving benefits of having Annie’s expertise, jokingly suggesting that Ben should consider himself lucky. @susannewbery also chimed in, complimenting Annie’s beauty and intelligence.

It seems that Ben’s post not only showcased his wife’s talent but also sparked the interest of many who are eager to see more of her work. With her growing reputation in the gardening world, it’s clear that Annie’s future is looking bright.