Bradley Walsh Calls Out Jenny Ryan’s Knowledge on The Chase

In a recent episode of The Chase, Bradley Walsh didn’t hold back when questioning Jenny Ryan’s expertise. The popular quiz show, which originally aired in 2023, returned to ITV on Tuesday night with a repeat episode. Bradley, along with contestants Chris, Jan, Maya, and Anthony, hoped to walk away with some cash.

During the head-to-head round, 28-year-old Maya went up against The Vixen. Maya had earned £4,000 in the cash builder round and decided to stick with that amount. The tension rose when the first question was asked: “What number do you get by adding the boiling point of water on the Celsius scale to that on the Fahrenheit scale?”

Jenny immediately showed her discomfort, muttering, “I hate this.” The options given were “A. 213,” “B. 231,” or “C. 312”. Both Maya and Jenny struggled with the answer, taking a long pause before making their choice. However, Bradley seemed confident, exclaiming, “I’m all over this!”

Maya went with 213, but to her surprise, the correct answer was 312. Bradley quickly explained, saying, “212 plus 100.” This led Bradley to question whether Jenny had too much time to figure it out. The Vixen defended herself, saying, “I had to double-check the maths because our generation knows that the boiling point at Celsius is 100, but we were never taught Fahrenheit. I knew it had to be well over double, so it had to be over 300.”

Confused by Jenny’s explanation, Bradley fired back, asking, “What do you mean, well over double? You just said 100. Well over double is all of them.” The banter continued as Bradley joked that Maya had given Jenny too much time to think.

Unfortunately, Maya, like Jan before her, was caught by Jenny. This left only Anthony to join Chris in the final chase. The 32-year-old put on an impressive performance, helping the team reach a final total of £12,000.

Anthony and Chris answered 16 questions correctly in the final chase, but Jenny proved to be on top form. With just 16 seconds remaining, she caught them, ending their hopes of winning the prize.

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