Banksy caught on camera creating iconic mural before fame hit


New photos of the mysterious street artist Banksy have surfaced, revealing him at work on one of his most significant pieces. The images capture Banksy painting The Turbozone Truck in Malaga, Spain, back in 2000. This artwork, which was later auctioned for a staggering £1million to £1.5million, failed to find a buyer. Banksy, known for his secretive nature, painted the side of a 17-tonne circus lorry following a party. The photographs were taken by an anonymous photographer on New Year’s Day in 2000.

At the time, Banksy’s art was just beginning to gain attention, and the photographer recalls being aware of his work in Bristol. The photographer and their friends decided to attend the party in Spain, where they unexpectedly encountered Banksy himself. The photographer approached him and asked if he was indeed Banksy, to which he confirmed. The encounter was brief, but it left a lasting impression on the photographer, who had no idea that Banksy would later become one of the most renowned artists in the world.

The artwork featured in the photographs is believed to be the largest piece ever created by Banksy. Despite its significance, the piece failed to sell at auction in 2019. Since then, the truck has traveled across Europe and South America as part of Turbozone’s Cinderella show. It also appears in Banksy’s book, Wall and Piece, published in 2006. Recently, additional photos have emerged, rumored to depict Banksy in the 1980s during a ski trip. These images show him performing daring jumps and relaxing on the slopes with his classmates. Another photo captures Banksy and his peers in front of the Berlin Wall, symbolizing their presence on the West German side of the barrier that separated East Germany.

Banksy’s enigmatic persona and groundbreaking artwork continue to captivate audiences worldwide. His ability to challenge societal norms and provoke thought through his street art has solidified his status as one of the most influential artists of our time.