Richard Madeley Calls for Ban on Smartphones for Young Children

In a passionate plea, veteran broadcaster and Daily Express columnist Richard Madeley has expressed his belief that there is a “growing momentum” towards banning or severely limiting smartphones for young children. Madeley argues that it is crucial to protect children under the age of 16 from exposure to horrifying online content.

Madeley highlights the alarming fact that while he, at the age of 68, has never seen images of beheadings or torture on any media platform, up to half of young children have witnessed such disturbing content on their smartphones. He claims that these graphic videos are being circulated among primary school children and questions the impact this exposure has on their young minds.

Madeley insists that action must be taken to protect vulnerable young minds, suggesting that smartphones should not be given to children until they reach the age of 16. He emphasizes that during the crucial developmental stage of puberty and early adolescence, children’s brains are particularly vulnerable and allowing them to access harmful content can have a detrimental effect.

While Madeley acknowledges that banning smartphones outright may not be feasible, he proposes a gradual implementation of minimum age restrictions, similar to the smoking ban. He argues that incorporating uncrackable firewalls into phones sold to teenagers is a reasonable solution that can be achieved with the necessary political will.

Madeley’s concerns about online safety are reflected in his latest thriller, “Father’s Day,” which explores the dangers of an online existence. The novel follows the story of a single father seeking revenge after his teenage daughter is coerced into taking her own life through online manipulation.

The book raises moral questions about the justification of revenge and punishment for heinous crimes. Madeley believes that in his fictional world, the ultimate revenge is justified for those who have robbed others of their lives. He explores the idea of extrajudicial punishment and challenges readers to consider whether some crimes are so unforgivable that they warrant extreme measures.

Madeley draws inspiration from a visit to a Roman amphitheater in the Cotswolds, where he conceived the idea of a modern-day crucifixion as a form of punishment. He believes that fiction allows readers to explore fantasies and contemplate actions that they might consider in certain circumstances.

Despite his personal connection to the issue of online abuse, as his daughter is a target of online trolls, Madeley does not advocate for revenge in real life. He acknowledges the visceral desire for punishment that can arise when witnessing heinous acts but emphasizes the importance of upholding the rule of law.

Madeley and his family have learned to cope with online abuse by ignoring it. He believes that social media has become toxic and devalued, and he refuses to engage with it. Madeley recognizes that false information can spread rapidly online and advises others not to let it affect them.

After retiring in 2010, Madeley returned to television as a part-time presenter on Good Morning Britain (GMB) in 2017. He enjoys the thrill of live TV and breaking news stories. His wife, Judy Finnigan, on the other hand, does not miss the television industry and prefers to stay out of the public eye.

Despite his skepticism about technology, Madeley’s latest book delves into the world of the dark web and digital savviness. He acknowledges the irony of writing about technology while being referred to as “Betamax Man” by his GMB co-presenter Susannah Reid.

Madeley’s own reading preferences are influenced by the Richard & Judy Book Club, and he enjoys authors such as Stephen King, Lee Child, and Charles Dickens during his rare breaks from work.

Overall, Madeley’s call for a ban on smartphones for young children reflects his deep concern for their well-being and protection from harmful online content. His latest thriller explores the dangers of the digital world and raises thought-provoking questions about justice and revenge.

Father’s Day by Richard Madeley is the latest must-read book that has hit the shelves. In this heartwarming tale, Madeley explores the complexities of fatherhood and the unconditional love shared between a father and his child. Available now, you can get your hands on a copy of this touching novel by visiting or calling Express Bookshop on 020 3176 3832. Plus, if you’re in the UK and spend over £25, you’ll receive free postage and packaging. Don’t miss out on this captivating read!

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