Baby Reindeer sparks surge in stalking hotline calls by 50%


A shocking increase in stalking cases has been reported following the release of the hit Netflix series, Baby Reindeer. The show, which tells the true story of comedian Richard Gadd’s harrowing experiences with a stalker named Martha, has sparked a surge in calls to the National Stalking Helpline. Last year, the helpline received 564 calls during this period, but this year that number has risen to a staggering 832, marking a 47% increase. The show’s release on April 11th alone saw a 26% rise in calls.

Baby Reindeer quickly became a global sensation, topping the charts on Netflix within days of its release. Tallulah Belassie-Page, the helpline’s policy officer, expressed her satisfaction with the rise in contacts, as it indicates that more stalking victims are seeking the support they need. She commended shows like Baby Reindeer for raising awareness about stalking, particularly for male victims who may have felt hesitant to come forward. Belassie-Page hopes that this increased coverage, combined with the helpline’s ongoing campaigning, will empower more victims to speak out.

The release of Baby Reindeer struck a chord with many individuals who had experienced stalking themselves. One male victim, who had been stalked while working at a pub, spoke out about his own ordeal after watching the show. He revealed that his life had been ruined for 16 months, and he had felt unheard and isolated. However, seeing Gadd dramatize his own experience gave him a sense of normalcy and made him feel less alone.

Stalking is a prevalent issue, affecting five million people annually according to British Crime Survey statistics. Shockingly, 20% of women and 10% of men will experience stalking at some point in their lives. Fiona Harvey, the woman accused of being Gadd’s real-life stalker, recently denied all allegations in an interview with Piers Morgan. She claimed to be receiving death threats and accused Gadd of being obsessed with her. Harvey labeled his series as “sick” and “misogynistic.”

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