AWKWARD: 110-year-old bridge accidentally blown up


Historic Swiss Bridge Blown Up in Bureaucratic Mix-Up

In a shocking turn of events, an iconic bridge in Switzerland has been completely destroyed due to a bureaucratic misunderstanding. The 110-year-old Castielertobel Viaduct, located near Davos in the Swiss Alps, was blown to pieces after a miscommunication between transport officials. This picturesque viaduct was originally constructed in 1913 to assist trains in navigating the challenging terrain of the Canton of Graubünden, standing tall at a height of 174ft above a wild gorge.

However, this spring, the bridge met its explosive demise at the hands of trigger-happy demolition workers. The 377ft long viaduct was detonated following a misunderstanding between transport officials. It has now been revealed that the demolition was actually illegal. The Swiss transport company Rhaetian Railway (RhB), the owner of the bridge, had applied for a permit for a conventional demolition, unaware that using explosives was strictly prohibited.

The Swiss Federal Office of Transport (BAV) has expressed its disapproval, stating that it should have authorized the demolition. Michael Mueller, spokesperson for the federal agency, explained, “The RhB expressly ruled out blasting for the dismantling of the Castieler viaduct. The fact that blasting was carried out now, despite this, contradicts this approval and is therefore illegal.” Authorities have launched an investigation to determine how this mix-up occurred and whether any criminal offenses were committed.

While the canton had previously announced that there were no objections to the demolition at a local level, Mueller emphasized that the approval of the BAV is necessary for the construction and dismantling of railway facilities. He stated, “The sole statement of a cantonal authority is not enough.” It remains to be seen what consequences will be faced by those responsible for this unfortunate incident.

Caption: Shocking Moment Massive Bridge Illegally Demolished

In a stunning turn of events, a massive bridge was blown up without proper consultation. The train company responsible for the demolition has admitted to “forgetting” to consult with the federal office, causing outrage and concern.

The decision to demolish the bridge was made by a construction company, citing safety reasons. They claimed to have examined the environmental impact with other authorities and experts before proceeding. However, it has now been revealed that the railway firm failed to consult the Federal Office of Transport, as the original application was for destruction without the use of dynamite.

Christina Florin, the head of infrastructure at the RhB, acknowledged the mistake, saying, “We simply forgot about this. We assumed that this was OK because all the authorities concerned had agreed. The federal government also relies on these authorities.” She emphasized the need to learn from such mistakes and make changes for the future.

In response to the controversy, the Rhaetian Railway has commissioned an independent environmental expert. Working alongside the Office for Nature and the Environment, they will thoroughly examine the environmental impact of the Castieler viaduct demolition, ensuring that proper measures were taken to protect the environment. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of consulting all relevant authorities and considering the environmental implications before undertaking such projects.