Angelina Jolie forced to hand over 8 years of NDAs to Brad Pitt in winery battle: ‘Crushing blow’


Angelina Jolie ordered to reveal all non-disclosure agreements in ongoing legal battle with Brad Pitt over French winery

In the latest development of the years-long divorce battle between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge has ruled that Jolie must disclose all non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) she has signed in the past eight years. This includes documents that are in her possession, custody, or control. The request was made by Pitt’s legal team in relation to their ownership dispute over the $500 million winery, Château Miraval.

The ruling has been described as a “crushing blow” for Jolie, as her side had previously argued that providing the NDAs would be expensive, wasteful, unreasonable, and abusive. Jolie’s lawyers also raised concerns about the invasion of privacy for other parties involved. The documents in question are believed to include NDAs with Hollywood employers, brands, and employees, which may contain information about Jolie’s compensation or compensation paid to third parties.

Additionally, the judge’s order requires Jolie’s side to provide a list of any privileged documents in the case. This will allow Pitt’s team to evaluate the validity of Jolie’s claims of privilege.

Pitt’s lawyers had previously requested Jolie to disclose the number of NDAs she has asked her staff to sign. This request came after Jolie accused Pitt of using an overreaching agreement to control her. Jolie claimed that the unfair NDA was a condition for her to sell her stake in the winery to Pitt. However, the deal fell through, and Jolie eventually sold her shares to a subsidiary of the Stoli Group.

While Pitt sees the recent ruling as a victory, Jolie’s attorney, Paul Murphy, argues that it is a win for their side. Murphy stated that common NDAs are not comparable to Pitt’s demand to cover up his personal misconduct. He also emphasized the importance of transparency in all parties’ discovery responses. Jolie’s camp hopes for an end to the litigation, which they believe has perpetuated false narratives and hindered the healing process for their family.

A source close to Jolie expressed confidence that the NDAs will not be presented at trial.

Breaking News: Shocking Revelation About Famous Athlete’s Scandalous Affair!

In a stunning turn of events, a well-known athlete’s secret affair has been exposed to the public. The scandalous details of this illicit romance have sent shockwaves throughout the sports world. Sources close to the situation have revealed that the athlete, whose identity we cannot disclose for legal reasons, has been engaging in a steamy affair with a prominent celebrity.

According to insiders, the affair has been going on for several months, with the couple often meeting in secret locations to avoid detection. Rumors of their relationship had been circulating for some time, but it wasn’t until recently that concrete evidence emerged. Photographs obtained exclusively by our team clearly show the athlete and the celebrity engaging in intimate moments, confirming the validity of the rumors.

This scandal has left fans and followers of the athlete stunned and disappointed. Many had admired the athlete for their talent and dedication to their sport, but this revelation has tarnished their public image. The fallout from this scandal is yet to be seen, but it is expected to have a significant impact on the athlete’s career and personal life.

The celebrity involved in this affair is also a well-known figure in the entertainment industry. Their reputation is now at stake as well, as fans and followers question their integrity and judgment. The scandal has ignited a frenzy on social media, with fans and critics alike expressing their opinions and speculating on the future of both individuals involved.

As more details emerge, we will continue to bring you the latest updates on this shocking scandal. Stay tuned for exclusive interviews and expert analysis from our team of journalists. This scandal is sure to dominate headlines for weeks to come, and we will be here to provide you with all the juicy details.

Remember to follow us on social media for real-time updates on this story. Don’t miss out on any of the latest developments in this gripping scandal. Subscribe to our newsletter to have breaking news delivered straight to your inbox. Stay connected with us as we uncover the truth behind this shocking affair.

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