Amber Rose faces backlash for supporting Donald Trump in 2024 election after SlutWalk.


Amber Rose Faces Backlash for Endorsing Donald Trump in 2024 Election

Amber Rose, the model known for her advocacy of social justice issues, is receiving heavy criticism from fans after endorsing Donald Trump for the 2024 election. In a surprising move, Rose posted a photo on Instagram showing her posing alongside the former President and his wife, Melania Trump, at an event. The caption read, “Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸.” This unexpected endorsement has left many fans shocked and disappointed, considering Rose’s previous support for women and LGBTQIA+ rights.

Rose’s previous activism, including her annual SlutWalks, aimed to raise awareness for women’s rights and combat slut shaming. However, Trump’s track record on these issues does not align with Rose’s previous stance. Fans expressed their disappointment in the comments section, with one person stating, “Imagine being an ‘advocate’ for women’s rights and endorsing Trump and his party who reversed Roe V Wade. Wild.” Another fan wrote, “Damn Amber… You’re a Bisexual woman of color that runs a movement that stands up for Women’s rights and their power against anyone that abuses it… that’s literally OPPOSITE of what he supports… smdh.”

While some fans voiced their support for Rose, the majority expressed their disappointment and even decided to unfollow her. One netizen remarked, “There’s no way you can support women while supporting this man. I hope it’s all worth it for you.” Another person pointed out the inconsistency, saying, “OK baby, but I don’t wanna hear you say you stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ because you don’t.”

Rose’s political stance has drastically changed since Trump’s first presidential campaign in 2016. In fact, she previously stated that she would leave the country if he became President. However, her recent endorsement of Trump contradicts her previous statements and actions. It is clear that her support for Trump has caused a significant shift in her fan base’s perception of her.

It is worth noting that Rose’s last SlutWalk was held in October 2018, and the Instagram page associated with the event has been inactive since then. This event aimed to address issues such as gender equality, LGBTQIA+ rights, and female empowerment –– all of which Trump has shown opposition towards. The page previously encouraged its 53,000 followers to vote for a leader who would bring about positive change in the country.

Amidst the controversy, Rose still has some supporters who believe in her decision. However, the majority of her fans are expressing their disappointment and questioning her commitment to the causes she once championed. As the 2024 election approaches, it remains to be seen how this endorsement will impact Rose’s reputation and activism.