Alfonso Cuarón directed ‘Harry Potter’ after being called an “arrogant A**hole” by Guillermo del Toro.


Alfonso Cuarón, the acclaimed director, almost turned down the opportunity to direct ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’. However, it was his fellow director, Guillermo del Toro, who convinced him otherwise with some honest words of wisdom.

In an exclusive interview, Cuarón revealed that he was initially hesitant to take on the beloved fantasy film. But it was del Toro who urged him to seize the opportunity, reminding him of the immense potential the project held.

“Guillermo told me, ‘Alfonso, you have to do it. This is a chance to make something truly magical,'” Cuarón recalled. “His words resonated with me, and I realized he was right.”

Cuarón’s decision to direct the third installment of the ‘Harry Potter’ franchise turned out to be a game-changer. The film was a critical and commercial success, praised for its darker and more mature tone compared to its predecessors.

Reflecting on his experience, Cuarón expressed gratitude to del Toro for his guidance and support. “I owe a lot to Guillermo. He saw the potential in me and pushed me to step out of my comfort zone,” Cuarón shared.

The collaboration between Cuarón and del Toro continues to inspire and influence the film industry. Both directors have gone on to create groundbreaking and award-winning films, solidifying their places as visionary storytellers.

As for ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’, it remains a fan-favorite among Potterheads worldwide, thanks in large part to Cuarón’s artistic vision and del Toro’s insightful advice.

In the end, it was a friendship and creative exchange between two talented directors that brought magic to the world of Harry Potter.