Alcohol almost destroyed me until my business partner Steven Bartlett intervened.


Dominic McGregor, co-founder of media agency Social Chain, opened up about his battle with alcohol addiction in an interview with a tabloid. McGregor, who started the company at just 19, revealed that the pressure of the business’s rapid growth led him to use alcohol as a coping mechanism. He confessed that drinking became habitual, with daily consumption of wine and weekend bingeing. McGregor’s addiction caused numerous dangerous and humiliating incidents, including being brought home in a police van and stumbling into the path of cars. The 31-year-old described his journey as a series of hitting rock bottom and smashing through to the next one.

McGregor’s family and friends, including business partner Steven Bartlett, were concerned about his behavior. However, McGregor felt that no one knew how to approach him. He became secretive and deceptive, even hiding bottles of wine sent as a thank you gift from an investor. McGregor admitted that the stress and anxiety of his position made him a worse person, causing him to leave nights out early to continue drinking at home. He described himself as a liar and a nasty person, constantly telling little white lies to cover up his addiction. McGregor also felt isolated and unable to seek help.

In the interview, McGregor emphasized the importance of addressing mental health issues and seeking support. He urged others struggling with addiction to reach out and not suffer in silence. McGregor’s story serves as a reminder that success does not always equate to happiness and that it is crucial to prioritize one’s well-being.


In a shocking revelation, Steven opens up about his perception of leadership and how it affected his close friend Dominic. According to Steven, he believed that a leader should always display a tough, emotionless exterior. However, Dominic’s behavior in December 2015 shattered this belief.

Dominic’s actions left his mother heartbroken when he fell asleep during a pantomime after a day of heavy drinking. Embarrassed, his mother had to take him home. This incident marked the beginning of a downward spiral for Dominic, as he continued to indulge in excessive drinking for the following six months.

Dominic’s drinking habits became alarming, with “tequila Sundays” becoming a regular occurrence. This involved drinking liquor from noon onwards, even after a night out on Saturdays and Fridays. His work performance suffered greatly, and he found himself struggling with anxiety and decision paralysis.

Remarkably, Dominic never experienced hangovers, which allowed him to continue his excessive drinking without any consequences. He even participated in a 10k race after a night of heavy drinking, looking worse for wear but still determined. With no negative physical effects and plenty of money to support his habit, Dominic saw no reason to stop.

However, everything came crashing down in July 2016. After a day of heavy drinking at Chester Races, Dominic’s behavior took a turn for the worse. Caught texting someone else by his new girlfriend Georgina, he faced an ultimatum. Things escalated further when one of his friends tried to intervene, resulting in Dominic saying hurtful things.

The next day, Dominic woke up filled with regret and received a text from his concerned friend Steven. They met in the office, where Dominic finally broke down and admitted that he needed help. He expressed his desperation and the feeling of being controlled by his addiction. Opening up about his struggles was incredibly difficult for Dominic, as men are often discouraged from discussing their emotions. However, he had hurt everyone around him and felt backed into a corner.

Sympathetic to his friend’s plight, Steven suggested that Dominic seek professional help. It was a turning point for Dominic, who realized that he needed to confront his addiction and regain control of his life.

Dominic McGregor, co-founder of Fearless Adventures and former chief operating officer of Social Chain, is urging men to speak up about their mental health. In a recent interview, Dominic shared his own journey to recovery, revealing that seeking therapy was the best decision he ever made.

Dominic initially had reservations about seeing a therapist, associating it with individuals who required white coats and padded cells. However, upon the suggestion of a team member, he decided to give it a try. He met with addiction specialist Jamie Dempsey, who diagnosed him with impostor syndrome, anxiety, and borderline depression. This revelation brought immense relief to Dominic, as he finally had an explanation for what he was experiencing.

Motivated to make a change, Dominic took the brave step of publicly acknowledging his drinking problem. He reached out to his friends, family, colleagues, and girlfriend, informing them of his decision to quit alcohol. The journey was not easy, as he faced withdrawal symptoms and physical discomfort. However, Dominic persevered, leaning on his support system and continuing with therapy.

Eight years have passed since Dominic’s last drink, and he remains committed to his sobriety. Reflecting on his experience, he wishes he had spoken out sooner and encourages other men to do the same. He believes that the traditional “stiff upper lip” mentality should be replaced with open conversations and mutual support among men.

Dominic expresses his gratitude towards Jamie, his therapist, by texting him every year on the anniversary of his final hangover. He credits Jamie with saving his life and acknowledges the importance of professional help in his recovery. Last year, Dominic married his girlfriend, Georgina, with his best friend, Steven Bartlett, serving as the best man. He is thankful for the second chances he has received from his loved ones and recognizes that he had exhausted his opportunities for redemption.

Dominic’s inspiring journey has led him to become an author, with his book titled “I’m Never Drinking Again: How to Stop Drinking So Much and Change Your Relationship with Alcohol” set to release on May 23rd. Through his story, Dominic hopes to inspire others to seek help and make positive changes in their lives.