Affordable sleep spray saves customer’s life after years of crippling insomnia.


Struggling to Fall Asleep? This Miracle Spray Will Help You Sleep Like a Baby Again!

TBH we haven’t slept since leaving the womb… But this sure does help us sleep like a baby again! Many things can keep us up in the wee hours. Whether it’s the fear that everyone hangs out with us just to be polite, the rising costs of butter in this economy, or running through every embarrassing thing we’ve ever done like a highlight reel.

But customers have hailed this Deep Sleep Pillow Spray from This Works as a ‘miracle’ for achieving a deep and restful night. In fact, many reviews insist it’s so effective that it can even provide a natural cure for crippling insomnia.

‘THIS WORKS 100% & has quite literally saved my life,’ Natalie gushed in her online review. ‘It enabled me to create a healthy, affordable & dependable sleep routine when I was chronically sleep-deprived from months of insomnia!’

The spray is made from a natural blend of aroma-therapeutic lavender, chamomile, and vetiver. You just need to spray a gentle mist on your pillow before bed and the calming and intoxicating scent can help you relax and fall into a deep sleep.

‘Best thing I have bought in ages,’ Donna wrote in her review. ‘Saved my sanity… I can get a decent night’s sleep now.’

Victoria was just as positive in her online feedback, writing: ‘I suffer from chronic Insomnia and have tried everything with the exception of prescription drugs.’ She added: ‘This spray helps me fall asleep faster and if I wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble falling back to sleep, I just spritz my washcloth again and place near my face to go back to sleep.’

The bottle costs £21 but customers insist it can last for months and months. ‘It works great and lasts a long time,’ Elna insisted in her feedback. ‘The first bottle lasted about 6 months.’

This Works believes that sleep is a crucial factor in our beauty, skin, and wellness journey. They also offer the best-selling Body Whip, infused with hemp seed extract, magnesium, and copper PCA. This whip can be massaged into the legs, arms, and chest. Customers say it’s not only great for sleep but also keeps their skin soft and smooth.

‘Sublime scent, rich but not sticky mousse that feels luxurious,’ Jo said online. ‘I can genuinely say I get a better night’s sleep.’