7 Netflix Films You’ll Hate to Love


Netflix’s The Silence may not have received the best reviews, but it has a certain charm that makes it worth a watch. The 2019 horror film follows a family as they navigate a world overrun by creatures who hunt by sound. Starring Stanley Tucci and Kiernan Shipka, the movie has its fair share of jump scares and tense moments. While it may not be the most original or groundbreaking horror film, it still manages to entertain and keep viewers on the edge of their seats. So, if you’re in the mood for a thrilling and slightly cheesy horror flick, The Silence is a good choice.

The Ridiculous 6

Adam Sandler’s The Ridiculous 6 may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it has its moments of ridiculous humor that some people find enjoyable. Released in 2015, the Western comedy follows a group of outlaws who embark on a mission to save their father. With a star-studded cast including Terry Crews, Taylor Lautner, and Rob Schneider, the film is filled with slapstick comedy and over-the-top antics. While it may not be Sandler’s best work, The Ridiculous 6 has gained a cult following and is often cited as a guilty pleasure for fans of silly comedies.

The Room

Considered by many as one of the worst movies ever made, The Room has become a cult classic in its own right. Released in 2003 and written, directed, and produced by Tommy Wiseau, the film is a melodramatic and poorly executed drama. The Room tells the story of a love triangle gone wrong, filled with awkward dialogue, bizarre plot twists, and questionable acting. Despite its flaws, The Room has gained a dedicated fanbase who revel in its unintentional humor and absurdity. It has become a staple of midnight screenings and is often quoted and referenced in pop culture.


Sharknado is the epitome of a so-bad-it’s-good movie. The 2013 disaster film, directed by Anthony C. Ferrante, combines sharks and tornadoes in a ridiculous and over-the-top plot. The movie follows a group of people as they try to survive a series of tornadoes that are carrying sharks. With its low-budget special effects and cheesy dialogue, Sharknado has become a cult phenomenon. It spawned multiple sequels and has become a staple of the B-movie genre. If you’re in the mood for a campy and absurdly entertaining film, Sharknado is a must-watch.

Bird Box

Bird Box, starring Sandra Bullock, gained significant attention when it was released on Netflix in 2018. The post-apocalyptic thriller follows a woman and her two children as they navigate a world where mysterious creatures cause anyone who sees them to commit suicide. The film received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising its suspenseful atmosphere and strong performances, while others criticized its lack of originality. Despite the mixed reception, Bird Box became a cultural phenomenon, with its blindfolded characters and the #BirdBoxChallenge taking over social media. Whether you love it or hate it, Bird Box is a film that sparked conversation and captured the attention of audiences worldwide.

Velvet Buzzsaw

Velvet Buzzsaw is a satirical horror film that takes a unique approach to the art world. Released in 2019 and directed by Dan Gilroy, the movie follows a group of art critics and collectors who become the victims of supernatural occurrences after discovering a deceased artist’s work. With a cast including Jake Gyllenhaal and Rene Russo, Velvet Buzzsaw blends elements of thriller and dark comedy. While it may not be a traditional horror film, it offers a fresh and intriguing take on the genre. With its stylish visuals and biting social commentary, Velvet Buzzsaw is a film that stands out from the crowd.


Cats, the 2019 film adaptation of the famous musical, received overwhelmingly negative reviews upon its release. From its CGI cat-human hybrids to its confusing plot, the movie was widely criticized for its bizarre choices. However, Cats has also gained a dedicated following who appreciate its campy and extravagant musical numbers. With a star-studded cast including Taylor Swift, Jennifer Hudson, and Ian McKellen, the film is a spectacle to behold, even if it doesn’t quite hit the mark. Whether you love it or hate it, Cats is a film that is hard to ignore.

If you’re a fan of A Quiet Place’s concept, then you’ll love The Silence. This Netflix film takes the idea of creatures hunting via sound and expands on it. It’s not just A Quiet Place One and Two, there’s more to explore. Based on the 1999 book by Tim Lebbon, The Silence follows Ally, a deaf teenager, and her family as they navigate a city being overrun by giant flying bat creatures. The film explores the theme of silence, much like A Quiet Place, and highlights how Ally’s heightened senses in the absence of her hearing are crucial for her family’s survival. While some may see it as an imitation of A Quiet Place and Bird Box, The Silence takes us to the beginning of the apocalypse, giving us a different perspective. Despite mixed reviews, the film delivers intense sequences and truly terrifying monsters that are a sight to behold.

Netflix is known for its collection of terrible Christmas films that we secretly love. Falling For Christmas is one of those films that is so camp and wacky, it’s guaranteed to become a part of your yearly holiday watchlist. Lindsay Lohan makes her big screen return in this 2022 film, playing spoiled heiress Sierra Belmont. After a skiing accident, Sierra suffers from amnesia and finds herself under the care of a handsome lodge owner, played by Chord Overstreet. Falling For Christmas is a heartwarming and hilarious story that will bring a smile to your face.

The Cloverfield Paradox.

If you want to be confused, look no further than the Cloverfield franchise. The first film, an iconic found footage sci-fi flick, is known for its shaky camera work that leaves viewers scratching their heads. 10 Cloverfield Lane, on the other hand, only reveals its connection to the franchise in the final minutes. And then there’s The Cloverfield Paradox, which is just downright baffling.

Released in 2018, the film follows a group of scientists in space who are on the verge of a catastrophic energy war. They decide to test a dangerous device that could provide unlimited power, but it also has the potential to create a dark alternate reality. Critics tore this film apart, giving it a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s safe to say that it didn’t fare much better elsewhere.

While the ensemble cast delivers some strong performances, the film gets lost in a mish-mash of themes that ultimately lead nowhere. It’s a film made for completionists who feel the need to consume every piece of the Cloverfield multiverse, which didn’t even exist until this film came along. If you’re into space horror and already have a Netflix subscription, it might be worth a watch. After all, what do you have to lose?

In a surprising turn of events, the sequel to the supernatural horror film Ouija actually outshines its predecessor. The original film, released in 2014, was widely considered a flop and received negative reviews from both critics and fans. However, when Mike Flannigan took over for the follow-up, a hit was born.

Ouija: Origin Of Evil tells the story of Alice, a woman who turns to scamming people as a fake spiritual medium after the death of her husband. She introduces her daughters, Paulina and Doris, to her work, and things take a dark turn when they accidentally connect with a malevolent spirit while playing with a ouija board. Flanagan, known for his work on The Haunting of Hill House and Fall Of The House Of Usher, brings his signature creepy flair to the film, redeeming the reputation of the Ouija franchise along the way.

While it may not be a masterpiece, Ouija: Origin Of Evil showcases Flanagan’s talent for creating terrifying experiences. Fans are eagerly anticipating what he will bring to his upcoming Exorcist film.

Lastly, we have Avalanche Sharks.

Avalanche Sharks: Sharks on a Mountain!

Get ready for the most outrageous film of the year! Avalanche Sharks takes the concept of killer sharks to a whole new level. These ancient predators have adapted to their snowy surroundings and are now terrorizing unsuspecting victims on a mountain. They glide through the snow with the same ease that other sharks glide through water. It’s a spectacle you won’t want to miss!

But that’s not all. Brace yourself for some unforgettable lines that will send shivers down your spine. “There’s nowhere to hide! They’ve tasted human flesh!” and “Snow’s going to run red with your blood.” It’s a thrilling rollercoaster ride from start to finish.

And let’s not forget the bikini-clad women. After all, it’s Spring Break, and they’re just looking to have a good time. Little do they know, they’re about to become the main course in this horrifying affair. The synopsis says it all: “Avalanche Sharks tells the story of a bikini contest that turns into a horrifying affair when it is hit by a shark avalanche.”

If you’re a fan of shark attack films or the deep sea horror genre, Avalanche Sharks is a must-watch. It’s a guilty pleasure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So grab your popcorn and get ready for a wild ride!

The Kissing Booth: A Romance Trilogy

Love is in the air with The Kissing Booth movies. Netflix has given us not one, not two, but three doses of romance with this charming trilogy. Since its release in 2018, The Kissing Booth has captured the hearts of viewers worldwide.

Follow the journey of Rochelle ‘Elle’ Evans as she navigates the complexities of young love. When she starts dating her best friend’s older brother, things take an unexpected turn. It’s a classic tale of forbidden romance that will tug at your heartstrings.

Based on the popular novels by Welsh author Beth Reekles, The Kissing Booth brings to life the cozy and comforting world of teen rom-coms. While critics may have turned their noses up at these films, Netflix knows what its audience wants. These movies have become some of the most-watched titles on the platform.

If you’re looking for a feel-good escape, The Kissing Booth is the perfect choice. Join Elle on her journey of self-discovery, friendship, and love. It’s a delightful series that will leave you with a smile on your face.

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