00s music icon and their mother arrested in massive home raid for unpaid TV.


Sean Kingston Arrested on Fraud Charges After Raid on Florida Mansion

Sean Kingston, the 00s rapper known for his hit song “Beautiful Girls,” has been arrested on fraud charges following a raid on his Florida mansion. The arrest took place in California during one of Kingston’s shows at an Army Base in the Fort Irwin area. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that the 34-year-old star was taken into custody without incident, shortly after his mother, Janice Turner, was also arrested. A SWAT team had earlier raided Kingston’s 14,000 square foot home in Southwest Ranches, Fort Lauderdale. The exact details of the investigation have not been disclosed, but attorney Dennis Card, who witnessed Turner’s arrest, stated that the arrests are related to a lawsuit he filed against Kingston earlier this year regarding a 232-inch television. Card accused Kingston of defrauding the Florida company that installed the TV set.

Kingston was not present at his mansion during the raid. Card commented on the situation, saying, “It is amazing what you can get away with if you are a celebrity. He creates this larger than life, ‘I am rich’ persona. His mother is a necessary component in this. He presents himself as a family-oriented guy, ‘I’m taking care of my mom,’ but she knows full well what is going on.”

According to Ver Ver Entertainment, Kingston had contacted them in September of last year expressing interest in purchasing a $150,000 Colossal TV and having it installed. Kingston allegedly proposed that he and Justin Bieber, his collaborator on the 2010 single “Eenie Meenie,” would do commercials for the TV owners in exchange for a reduced down payment and credit. The company claims that Kingston paid $30,000 and had the TV installed, but failed to make any further payments or fulfill his promise of doing commercials. Card clarified that Bieber is not involved in the case, stating, “He had the misfortune of doing some work in the past with Sean, and Sean drops his name like crazy.”

Following his mother’s arrest and his own detainment, Kingston took to Instagram to address the situation. Although the post has since been deleted, he wrote, “People love negative energy! I am good, and so is my mother! … My lawyers are handling everything as we speak.”

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Attorney Robert Rosenblatt, representing rapper Shawn Kingston and his mother, has responded to the allegations against them. He confidently stated that they are aware of the accusations and are ready to face them in court. Rosenblatt believes that they will be able to resolve the issues successfully.

In the meantime, it has been revealed that pop star Kingston is currently serving a two-year probation for being involved in the trafficking of stolen property. This information comes from records obtained from the Florida Department of Corrections.

Back in 2006, Turner, Kingston’s mother, pleaded guilty to bank fraud. She was convicted of stealing a staggering $160,000 and was sentenced to almost 18 months in jail.

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