Lonely men turning to escorts for companionship.


Men are turning to escorts for companionship rather than sex, according to recent reports. Michael, a 47-year-old finance worker, shared his experience of meeting an escort during a difficult period in his life. He explained that he simply wanted someone to keep him company, as he had been feeling lonely and isolated since his separation. This highlights a growing issue of loneliness among men in the UK, with a YouGov poll revealing that 44% of men feel lonely at least some of the time. In fact, one in five men admitted to having no close friends, twice as many as women. This suggests that many men are struggling with an isolation crisis.

Therapist Danny Zane believes that society’s expectations of men contribute to this problem. Boys are often raised to believe that showing emotions and asking for help is a sign of weakness. As a result, men may find it difficult to express their feelings and seek support when they need it. This lack of emotional connection can lead to a lonely existence, as intimacy requires open communication. Michael, for example, felt that there was still a stigma surrounding male loneliness, especially during challenging times like divorce or grief.

Before turning to escorts for companionship, Michael considered traditional therapy. However, he ultimately decided against it because he felt it would be a one-sided conversation. This highlights the need for more accessible and inclusive support systems for men who are struggling with loneliness.

Overall, the increasing number of men seeking companionship from escorts rather than sex reflects a larger issue of loneliness and isolation among men in the UK. It is crucial for society to address this problem by encouraging men to express their emotions and seek support when needed.

Lonely Man Finds Connection and Companionship with Sex Worker

In a bid to combat his deep sense of loneliness, Michael, a hardworking professional who often works long hours remotely, turned to the services of sex workers. Dissatisfied with the lack of connection he found on cam sites, he longed for a physical, face-to-face encounter. That’s when he decided to book an appointment with escort Gigi Patsy through an escort directory.

Nervous and unsure of what to expect, Michael’s life took a dramatic turn during his first meeting with Gigi. They sat in her living room, sipping tea and engaging in a heartfelt conversation that lasted a remarkable 40 minutes. The connection they formed was so strong that Michael immediately requested to extend their booking by an additional two hours. In subsequent visits, he opened up about his divorce and the overwhelming loneliness he had been experiencing.

Since that fateful encounter, Michael has been seeing Gigi every couple of weeks for two hours at a time, totaling approximately 33 visits and 66 hours. Based on escort listings, the average hourly rate in the UK is around £125, or £180 if the escort has to travel to meet the client. As a result, Michael estimates that he has spent approximately £8,250 over the course of the past year-and-a-half.

Different Types of Loneliness Explored

Loneliness comes in various forms, each with its own unique characteristics. According to evidence and literature on the subject, the following three types of loneliness are most commonly identified:

1. Loneliness: This type refers to the absence of meaningful relationships, leaving individuals feeling isolated and disconnected.

2. Loneliness: In this case, individuals perceive a deficit in the quality of their social connections, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction and longing for deeper connections.

3. Loneliness: This type encompasses a feeling of fundamental separateness from others and the wider world, creating a profound sense of isolation.

Additional types of loneliness can also manifest, such as:

– Loneliness that comes and goes, fluctuating in intensity and duration.

– Loneliness that is specifically experienced during certain times, such as Sundays, bank holidays, or Christmas.

– Chronic loneliness, where individuals feel lonely most or all of the time.

(Source: Campaign to End Loneliness)

Loneliness is a complex and deeply personal experience, and for some, seeking companionship from sex workers like Gigi Patsy has provided a much-needed remedy. While it may not be a conventional solution, it has proven to be a lifeline for individuals like Michael, who yearn for genuine connection and understanding.

Meeting with Gigi helps me forget my loneliness and allows me to express my emotions openly,” he explains. “It’s not about sex for me, although I know many people won’t understand. I simply feel at ease with her.

I confide in her more than anyone else. I’m interested in hearing about Gigi’s day as well. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship that provides the escape I desperately crave at times.”

According to a survey conducted by Vivastreet, an escort directory, 77% of sex workers have seen an increase in clients seeking companionship rather than sexual services since the start of the pandemic.

The study, which included responses from over 21,000 individuals, including both clients and sex workers, revealed that 24% of those who hire escorts do so solely for companionship. Additionally, 65% of sex workers reported being hired for non-sexual companionship appointments.

Sex workers themselves also share this sentiment, with 95% believing that their services have helped clients feel less lonely.


Gigi Patsy, a former estate agent turned escort, has become someone that Michael feels comfortable confiding in. Gigi, who has been working in the industry for over two years, reveals that many men seek companionship rather than just physical intimacy.

Gigi explains, “I did an overnight where we didn’t even kiss, he just wanted someone to take out. Sometimes they fear judgement, or they might just want someone to sit and talk to.”

Despite the lack of sexual involvement, Gigi charges the same amount as she would for an appointment that does include physicality. She describes how her customers come to her home, conveniently located next to a police station, and they spend time together, whether it’s sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine or engaging in other activities.

“Some might want to sit in their underwear, so it feels like I’m a girlfriend, while others prefer watching TV or listening to music. Some just want to talk and have a drink, like they’re visiting a friend. I let them take the lead,” Gigi shares.

What brings these men comfort is the fact that Gigi doesn’t pry into their reasons for booking an appointment with her. She says, “Sometimes they’re embarrassed when they tell me, so I might not ever get the full story of why.”

Gigi recounts a touching moment when a client told her, “People in your profession save lives.” This revelation made her cry. The client had experienced suicidal thoughts because he hadn’t been able to have that special moment with someone.

“Some will say, ‘Oh, I miss having someone to cuddle’ or ‘I miss hanging out on the sofa with someone.’ You get the impression that maybe it’s been a long time for them,” Gigi reveals.

Although these interactions are paid for, Gigi wants her clients to feel valued and not just like a number. She emphasizes, “What escorts do is a lot deeper than the seediness everyone assumes. I never rush my clients out the door.”

Jessica Roy, a 26-year-old luxury escort, also offers companionship to her clients. Her appointments, which cost £1,000, often involve her client either cooking for her, taking her out to dinner, or sometimes she cooks for them.

Jessica, a sex worker, has clients who seek more than just sex. They prioritize a genuine connection with her. Jessica engages in conversations, laughter, and deep discussions about life with her clients. She shares the story of one client in his 50s who felt incredibly lonely after his wife moved away. Although they never had sex, Jessica provided comfort by cuddling with him in bed. This experience touched her deeply, as he expressed how much he missed the warmth of companionship. Many clients, like him, are divorced or in relationships but still feel alone and distressed.

While hiring an escort cannot replace licensed therapy, it is evident that some men are turning to this service to combat their feelings of loneliness. However, mental health expert Rychel Johnson believes that the benefits of using an escort for companionship are limited. She empathizes with those who seek transactional relationships as a temporary solution to overwhelming isolation. However, she asserts that hired companionship can never provide the authentic intimacy and lasting fulfillment that the soul truly craves. In fact, Rychel suggests that relying on escorts may mask the symptoms of loneliness without addressing the root cause, potentially leading to further trauma and unhealthy patterns of avoidance.

Loneliness drives individuals to seek connection through unconventional means. The universal yearning to feel seen, understood, and valued by another person often underlies the decision to seek out hired companionship. Michael, one of Jessica’s clients, emphasizes that this issue is not discussed enough. He found a way to alleviate his feelings of loneliness and experience a sense of freedom after meeting Gigi, an escort.

Therapist Danny Zane suggests that joining a support group is a positive alternative for men seeking relief from loneliness. Men often struggle with expressing their emotions and tend to base their friendships on superficial topics like sports and weather. Support groups, such as the Andy’s Man Club in the UK, provide a space for men to meet and discuss the challenges they face in their lives. However, for now, Michael finds solace in his appointments with Gigi.

Formerly feeling lonely and ashamed, he now admits that he is much happier and finds solace in his own company. Thanks to his meetings with Gigi, he has found a way to unload his burdens and looks forward to each subsequent encounter.