Shonda Rhimes teams up with Serena and Venus Williams, Tiger Woods.



In a surprising move, Netflix showrunner Shonda Rhimes has thrown her support behind the Los Angeles Golf Club, a key player in Tiger Woods’ groundbreaking team golf league. Rhimes, known for her hit shows like Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, is no stranger to the world of entertainment, but her latest venture into the world of golf has caught many off guard.

The Los Angeles Golf Club, which is set to revolutionize the sport with its innovative team format, has gained a powerful ally in Rhimes. With her extensive influence in the entertainment industry, Rhimes’ backing could bring a whole new level of attention and excitement to the league.

Woods, a legendary golfer in his own right, has been making waves with his new team golf league, and Rhimes’ support only adds to the buzz surrounding the project. As the showrunner behind some of the most successful television series of our time, Rhimes’ endorsement is sure to attract both golf enthusiasts and fans of her work alike.

It remains to be seen how this unexpected partnership will unfold, but one thing is for certain – the Los Angeles Golf Club has secured a powerful ally in Shonda Rhimes. With her passion for storytelling and knack for creating compelling narratives, Rhimes may just be the secret weapon that takes this team golf league to new heights.

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting collaboration between Shonda Rhimes and Tiger Woods’ Los Angeles Golf Club.