Loose Women Fans Divided by Surprise Guest Performance on ITV


MC Grammar wows Loose Women audience with rap performance

MC Grammar, the viral sensation who has taken the internet by storm, made a guest appearance on popular daytime show Loose Women. The charismatic rapper delighted fans with his unique take on the children’s classic, “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.” Social media was abuzz with praise for MC Grammar, with one fan tweeting, “Love it!” and another gushing, “Wasn’t he gorgeous?”

During the interview, MC Grammar revealed the inspiration behind his catchy rap songs. It all started with an exam paper on grammar. Recognizing the need to make learning fun and memorable, MC Grammar created a rap song based on the exam paper. The result? His students not only learned the material but also achieved outstanding results, placing their school among the top 50 in the country.

MC Grammar emphasized the importance of knowing your audience and tailoring your teaching style to their interests. “By going with the trends and understanding what they’re into, you can make any subject relatable and engaging,” he advised. His innovative approach has clearly struck a chord with students and educators alike.

To the delight of the Loose Women panel, MC Grammar treated them to a rap performance of “Bear Hunt.” The infectious energy and clever lyrics had everyone tapping their feet and singing along. It’s no wonder MC Grammar has become a sensation, captivating audiences of all ages with his unique blend of music and education.

Catch MC Grammar’s incredible rap performances and inspiring interviews on Loose Women, airing daily at 12.30pm on ITV. Don’t miss out on the latest news and updates – subscribe to Daily Express for notifications straight to your inbox.