Teachers discover scars on student, suspect abuse at home.


Heartbreaking Childhood: A Battle for Survival

In a shocking revelation, Paris Bartholomew, now a grown woman, opens up about her traumatic childhood filled with abuse and neglect. Growing up, Paris never felt loved or wanted by her own mother, Rose. Instead, she was subjected to constant beatings and verbal lashings, leaving her with scars both physical and emotional.

At just six years old, Paris’s body bore the marks of a battlefield. Burns from flames, bruises from belts, and scars on her scalp were a constant reminder of the pain she endured. As her mother home-schooled her, there was no escape from the abuse. Paris believed she didn’t matter as a human, constantly berated by her own mother who told her she would never amount to anything.

It wasn’t until Paris started attending a regular school that her wounds were exposed. Unlike her classmates who wore summer dresses and shorts, Paris covered herself in polo-necks and long trousers. Her teachers suspected something was amiss and alerted the authorities, leading to her rescue.

The moment her scars were revealed, concern filled the room. Cameras clicked as evidence was collected, and Paris was rushed to the hospital for medical attention. Meanwhile, her mother was arrested on suspicion of child abuse. With no other family to turn to, Paris found herself in the care of the state.

The first place she was housed resembled a prison, with walls fortified by barbed wire. Despite the abuse she endured, Paris couldn’t help but miss her mother. She longed to be back home, even though she understood that what her mother had done was wrong. Guilt consumed her, imagining her mother confined in a cold prison cell with only bread and water.

After six months in the care system, justice was served. Paris’s mother was convicted of multiple counts of abuse, neglect, and failure to thrive. She was sentenced to four years in prison. However, the news of her mother’s crimes spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of Paris’s schoolmates. The revelation brought about teasing and mockery, leaving Paris feeling a mix of anger and shame.

Paris Bartholomew’s story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Despite enduring unimaginable pain, she has found the strength to share her story and rise above her traumatic past. Today, Paris is determined to create a better future for herself, breaking free from the cycle of abuse and proving that she is more than the scars that mar her body.


Paris Bartholomew, now a grown woman, recently opened up about her difficult upbringing in a heart-wrenching interview. For nine long years, Paris was passed from one care home to another, never finding a place where she truly belonged.

In these homes, Paris faced unimaginable challenges. In one instance, she was cruelly nicknamed ‘Bounty’, being accused of being ‘brown on the outside’ but ‘acting too white’. In another, she was subjected to constant attacks in the darkness of her own bedroom. It seemed like she had traded one abusive environment for another.

However, despite the hardships, Paris discovered a resilience within herself. She found solace in her love for school, which became her lifeline. Despite the abuse, Paris excelled academically and was even placed in a class with children a year older than her.

At the age of 13, Paris began delving into psychology books in an attempt to understand her mother’s behavior. This exploration led her to a profound realization – people hurt others when they have been hurt themselves. This understanding helped Paris realize that she was not to blame for the abuse she endured.

Throughout her tumultuous childhood, Paris longed for her mother’s apology. Unfortunately, each visit from her mother only brought more verbal abuse. Instead of remorse, her mother would say hurtful things, like ‘a rolling stone gathers no moss’, implying that Paris would never amount to anything because of her unstable upbringing.

Paris eventually mustered the courage to confront her mother about the abuse. However, instead of accepting responsibility, her mother simply laughed it off, claiming that Paris had been brainwashed by Social Services and that society was to blame for her imprisonment.

Despite this lack of accountability, Paris made a difficult decision. Through her extensive reading, she came to understand that her mother was mentally unwell. With this realization, Paris chose to forgive her mother, believing that forgiveness would be the key to her own healing.

Paris’s story is one of resilience, forgiveness, and the power of education. Despite the immense challenges she faced, she never let go of her love for learning. Today, Paris is a shining example of strength and determination, proving that one’s past does not define their future.

Paris Bartholomew, a survivor of abuse and a former foster child, has dedicated her life to making a difference for young Black individuals in the care system. At the age of 16, Paris began advocating for change through her involvement in the ‘Black and in Care’ program. Her experiences, along with those of many others, led to significant changes in the law, known as the Children’s Act. Foster carers are now required to receive training in trauma and child development, and children from ethnic minority backgrounds are placed with foster carers from the same cultural background. Paris’s efforts have empowered her and allowed her to prove her worth, despite the negative beliefs of her own mother.

Paris’s impact extends beyond her advocacy work. She pursued higher education, obtaining a degree in teaching, social work, and youth work, as well as a master’s degree in psychology. She has worked as a youth worker, taught health and social care, and dedicated her time to various charitable organizations. In 2014, Paris took on the role of a foster parent to a young girl named Jane. Despite Jane’s initial inability to communicate, Paris’s love and support helped her find her voice through singing. This experience not only allowed Paris to provide the love she had longed for, but also aided in her own healing process.

However, Paris’s journey has not been without challenges. In 2019, she attempted to visit her mother on Mother’s Day, only to find her door barricaded. Concerned for her mother’s well-being, Paris contacted the council for assistance. This incident serves as a reminder of the lasting impact of verbal abuse, which can scar individuals emotionally and affect their self-esteem, relationships, and overall functioning in various aspects of life.

Paris Bartholomew’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and the ability to create positive change in the face of adversity. Through her advocacy, education, and personal experiences, she has become a beacon of hope for young Black individuals in the care system.

Shocking News: Mum Found Dead Under Clutter

In a tragic turn of events, a mother was discovered deceased at the age of 72. Startlingly, she had been found decomposing under a mountain of hoarded possessions by council officials. Neighbors had grown concerned after realizing they hadn’t seen her for some time.

Mixed Emotions: Grief and Relief

Paris Bartholomew, the daughter of the deceased, experienced a wave of conflicting emotions. While grieving her mother’s passing, she also felt a sense of relief. Years of pain caused by her mother had finally come to an end.

Reflecting on a Troubled Childhood

Looking back on her childhood, Paris couldn’t help but wish for a different upbringing. However, she takes pride in the resilience she has cultivated. Despite the hardships, she has managed to transform her experiences into a positive force.

Fighting Verbal Abuse: Words Matter

Paris is now a proud supporter of Words Matter, a charity dedicated to eradicating verbal abuse towards children. Shockingly, statistics reveal that two out of five children in the UK experience verbal abuse from adults, similar to Paris’s own experience. Studies demonstrate that this form of abuse can be just as damaging as other types, leading to feelings of shame, sadness, and low self-esteem. Paris knows firsthand how long it took to rebuild her self-esteem after her mother shattered it with hurtful words. She is determined to ensure no other child endures such pain.

A Mission to Inspire and Advocate

Driven by her own journey, Paris has embarked on a mission to inspire children and professionals alike. She travels across the UK, sharing her story and expertise in psychology to motivate students in schools and individuals in the business world. Additionally, she tirelessly campaigns for increased support for children in care.

The Urgent Need for Foster Carers

The number of children in care is projected to reach 100,000 by 2025, yet England is facing a shortage of foster carers. While significant progress has been made within the care system, there is still much work to be done. Paris calls for enhanced support during the transition out of care at the age of 21, as well as increased focus on the needs of LGBTQ+ children. In her view, being in care should be recognized as a protected characteristic.

A Message of Empowerment

As Foster Care Fortnight approaches, Paris wants to send a powerful message to anyone currently in care. She urges them to believe in themselves and not succumb to the negative rhetoric that suggests they won’t achieve anything. Paris stands as living proof that such notions are false. She encourages those in care to seek support and reminds them that their experiences have made them resilient and capable of understanding others on a deeper level. Being in care, she emphasizes, is their superpower – a strength they should never forget.