Doctor Who star mistaken for Paralympian due to disability


Ruth Madeley, the Bafta-nominated actress known for her roles in Doctor Who and Years And Years, opens up about her dreams of joining the Marvel superhero franchise and her latest film, The Almond And The Seahorse. Despite being born with spina bifida, a spinal defect, she has achieved great success in the industry. In this week’s exclusive interview, she sets the record straight about her assumed connection to Richard Madeley, why she won’t be wearing her corset outside of Renegade Nell, and her proudest moment in the Tardis.

Firstly, let’s address the elephant in the room – Ruth Madeley is NOT related to Richard and Judy, despite the constant speculation. She humorously dismisses the rumors, emphasizing that she has no familial ties to the famous couple.

Moving on to her new movie, The Almond And The Seahorse, Madeley describes it as a poignant exploration of the impact of brain injury on individuals and their loved ones. Her character, an assistant at a brain injuries clinic, shares most of her scenes with the talented Meera Syal. Together, they provide a much-needed dose of light comedy in the film.

Contrary to popular belief, The Almond And The Seahorse is not a typical Rebel Wilson comedy. Madeley praises Wilson’s versatility as an actress, highlighting her ability to captivate audiences beyond the realm of comedy. She believes viewers will be pleasantly surprised by Wilson’s performance in the film.

Reflecting on her own journey, Madeley acknowledges the progress that has been made in terms of representation for disabled individuals in the entertainment industry. However, she emphasizes the importance of continued efforts to push for more inclusivity. While she has been fortunate to be considered for a variety of roles, she recognizes that many disabled artists still face limited opportunities.

Finally, Madeley shares the one thing she wishes people would never say to a disabled person, highlighting the importance of sensitivity and understanding when interacting with individuals with disabilities.

Ooof! How long have we got?! Actually, if you’re worried about saying the wrong thing I would simply say, just ask. I’m never going to be offended if you ask me what my needs are. So many things can be gotten rid of, worry-wise, if you just have an open conversation.

What do fans recognise you for?

At the moment I’d say Doctor Who. It’s such a powerhouse of a show. I was very happy to be the character who was able to reveal that the Tardis had a disability ramp to the world. That was a very, very cool moment for me. I also get recognised for The Paralympics. I’ve never been a Paralympian, but a lot of people see a disabled person and assume they’re a Paralympian. I’ve got many free drinks on that basis.

What’s your dream show to be part of?

As a kid, Gladiators was always like the pinnacle for me. But, let’s face it, that was never going to happen. And I wouldn’t be turning down a Marvel Universe call-up. It’s such a great thing and they need to up disabled representation in that world. I grew up wanting to be a Disney princess and now I am part of a Disney franchise with Renegade Nell. It was so exciting to dip into a completely different genre [18th-century costume adventure] that I’ve never thought, as a disabled person, I would be able to be in because disabled people were hidden away or just not out and about in ‘polite society’.

Did you get a corset for Renegade Nell?

I had a corset. I had a bustle. I had about 12 pieces of stuff in my hair. But it’s not something I’d love to wear outside work. As somebody who grew up wearing a scoliosis brace from the age of 18 months, I was like, ‘You can keep that corset, thank you very much.’

Do you collect anything?

Whisky. I’m a big lover of bourbon. I’ve got a 12-year-old Weller. It makes me cry when I think about how much it costs but, luckily, I’m the only one in the house that drinks that, so no one’s gonna have a drink of it when I’m not looking.

What is your most controversial food opinion?

I don’t think it’s controversial, because it’s obvious. But celery is disgusting. Beyond disgusting. I struggle to see how anyone could find celery appealing.

Do you have any pets?

I have a British Shorthair cat called Rosa. I would actually die for my cat and she would calmly step over my cold, dead body. And we have our baby – a British bulldog pup called Buford, after a character in Smokey And The Bandit, the old Burt Reynolds movie. Basically, Rosa completely rules everything and Buford lets her. That’s how our household works.