Bonnie and Clyde Still Haunt Small Town 90 Years Later


The small town of Gibsland, Louisiana is known for its connection to the infamous couple Bonnie and Clyde. The duo, who were suspected of multiple murders and robberies, met their demise on the outskirts of the town in 1934. Since then, the town has become a pilgrimage site for fans of the couple, with hundreds of visitors flocking to the annual Bonnie and Clyde Festival.

Perry Carver, the owner of the Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Museum, has been fascinated by the couple since he was a child. He now operates the museum, which houses various artifacts related to Bonnie and Clyde, including Bonnie’s hats, costume jewelry, and Clyde’s glasses. The museum attracts around 10,000 visitors each year, coming from all over the world.

This year, the Bonnie and Clyde Festival will celebrate its 31st anniversary, and it is expected to draw an even larger crowd due to the 90th anniversary of the couple’s deaths. The festival’s Facebook group already has nearly 6,000 members, indicating the widespread interest in Bonnie and Clyde.

Gibsland, Louisiana may be a small town, but its connection to Bonnie and Clyde has put it on the map for true crime enthusiasts. The Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Museum serves as a reminder of the couple’s notorious history, and the annual festival allows fans to come together and celebrate their legacy.

T-shirts, books, and other memorabilia are being sold at the festival, where many attendees choose to dress up as the iconic couple. In fact, there is even a contest for those who resemble Bonnie and Clyde the most, with a chance to win a $50 prize. The competition has separate sections for both adults and children. Additionally, the festival includes a re-enactment of their final ambush and engaging discussions about their notorious demise.

One of the highlights of the event is the presence of the owner of the local Bonnie and Clyde Ambush Museum, who recalls playing in the couple’s actual car when he was just a boy. This adds an extra layer of authenticity to the experience. The popularity of Bonnie and Clyde, even after almost a century since their gruesome deaths, raises the question of what captivates people about their story.

When asked about this, Mr. Carver chuckles and admits that it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what draws people in. However, he believes that many are fascinated by the romanticized version of Bonnie and Clyde’s tale – a couple on the run, living life on their own terms. In reality, their story was far from glamorous. Despite their deep love for each other, they never intended to become the world-famous outlaw duo they are known as today.

Contrary to popular belief, Bonnie never participated in any robberies or killings. She lived in constant fear during her time with Clyde. However, her unwavering loyalty kept her by his side, and he reciprocated her love. Their bond was undeniable, which is perhaps what continues to captivate people’s imaginations.