STAR WARS: George Lucas Reveals Surprising Truth About His Legendary Films

In a shocking revelation, Star Wars creator George Lucas has declared that his iconic sci-fi films are “not spaceship movies.” Despite being set in space and featuring famous spaceships like the Millennium Falcon and the Death Star, Lucas insists that there is much more to the franchise than meets the eye.

Speaking at the Cannes Film Festival, where he was honored with a prestigious Palme d’Or award, Lucas explained that Star Wars was born out of his desire to create a unique cinematic experience. “When Star Wars came out, everybody was saying, ‘Oh, let’s make a spaceship movie!’ I said, ‘Star Wars isn’t a spaceship movie.’ There’s a lot more to it,” he revealed.

Lucas went on to explain that the film was influenced by his original plans for Apocalypse Now, which he was unable to realize due to various circumstances. “The purpose of Star Wars was – it was during the Vietnam War, I was going to do Apocalypse Now and I couldn’t do it. So, I took a lot of the ideas and put them into this movie,” he shared.

The Star Wars franchise has been a cultural phenomenon since its debut in 1977, launching the careers of actors Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford. Despite its success, Lucas wants fans to understand that the films are more than just space operas. With its complex themes and deep storytelling, Star Wars has transcended the genre and become a cultural touchstone.

As the Cannes Film Festival continues to showcase the best of cinema, Lucas’s revelation adds a new perspective to the beloved franchise. It serves as a reminder that there is always more than meets the eye, even in the most iconic and beloved films.

Lucas, the director and producer, recently revealed that some of his ideas for the film Apocalypse Now ended up being incorporated into the Star Wars franchise. He explained that while his version of Apocalypse Now was intended to be a satire and funny, Francis Ford Coppola took a more serious approach, inspired by his love for Heart of Darkness. Lucas admitted that he wanted his version of the film to be even more extreme than it turned out to be.

During a recent appearance at the Cannes Film Festival, Lucas discussed his intention with Star Wars, stating that it was always meant to be aimed at 12-year-old kids. He emphasized that the franchise was designed with this audience in mind. Lucas explained that the film was a response to the troubling times during the Vietnam War, where people were being drafted and friends were returning in coffins. He wanted to provide some light and guidance for young viewers who were going through puberty and had many questions about their place in the world.

Lucas acknowledged that the original Star Wars film, released in 1977, was followed by two sequels, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. He noted that these films were all between 10 and 15 years old at the time of making the prequel trilogy. Lucas admitted that making the prequels was challenging, especially after the negative reception of Episode I: The Phantom Menace in 1999. Critics and fans criticized the film, dismissing it as a children’s movie.

Overall, Lucas’s insights shed light on the creative process behind Star Wars and the influences that shaped the franchise.


In a shocking revelation, filmmaker George Lucas has admitted that the prequel films of the beloved franchise were “completely trashed” by the original fans. According to Lucas, these films were often regarded as “kids’ films” by the dedicated fanbase. In a recent interview, the legendary director emphasized that the prequels have always been intended for a younger audience.

Lucas was recently honored with an honorary Palme d’Or, an accolade he described as both “a great honor” and “nostalgic.” Reflecting on his first visit to the prestigious Croisette and film festival in 1971 with his debut film THX 1138, Lucas expressed his gratitude for the recognition.

Among the other recipients of this prestigious award were renowned actress Meryl Streep, a 21-time Oscar nominee and three-time winner, and the esteemed Japanese animation company Studio Ghibli.

Despite his immense success and a massive fan following, Lucas humorously acknowledged that his movies are not typically recognized in the awards circuit. With a good-natured laugh, he commented, “It’s always great to be recognized. Obviously, we have a lot of fans and stuff, but in terms of awards, I don’t make the kind of movies that win awards!”

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