Man threatens to kill partner if she refuses sex


Thug Jailed for Strangling Girlfriend Who Refused Sex

In a shocking display of violence, Christy Hewitt, 23, attacked his partner after she refused to engage in sexual activity with him. Hewitt, who had previously promised never to harm her, strangled her and repeatedly stamped on her head during the brutal assault. The couple’s relationship had been plagued by violence and excessive alcohol consumption, according to Liverpool Crown Court.

The disturbing incident occurred on January 4 of this year at the couple’s flat in Aigburth. Following a night of heavy drinking, Hewitt became enraged and tore a door from its hinges. In an attempt to defuse the situation, the victim went outside to smoke a cigarette, but Hewitt followed her. He proceeded to punch and kick her, before grabbing her by the throat and throwing her to the ground.

In a horrifying act of aggression, Hewitt then stomped on her head six times. Fortunately, another resident intervened, allowing the victim to escape and seek safety. However, upon her return, she encountered Hewitt once again, who continued his attack by slapping her and throwing his mobile phone at her.

Desperate to escape the ongoing abuse, the victim tried to flee once more, but Hewitt pursued her and struck her twice more in the head. Although she only reported suffering from a headache following the incident, the psychological trauma inflicted upon her is immeasurable.

Hewitt has now been sentenced to jail for his heinous actions, serving as a reminder of the devastating consequences of domestic violence.

Former footballer, John Hewitt, has been sentenced to 30 months in prison after assaulting his ex-girlfriend, Emma Duvall-Gregory. The incident occurred when Duvall-Gregory rejected Hewitt’s sexual advances while they were in bed together. In a fit of rage, Hewitt slapped her multiple times, causing her to fall out of bed. He then proceeded to strangle her and made threats about being able to kill her. Duvall-Gregory has been left traumatized by the incident, suffering from panic attacks and constant anxiety. She has even been forced to move homes to escape the trauma.

Hewitt’s violent behavior is not new. He has a history of previous convictions, including assault, possession of an offensive weapon, and causing unnecessary suffering to animals. Despite this, he was released on bail with conditions not to contact Duvall-Gregory. However, he and his father disregarded these conditions and began residing at her home.

During the trial, it was revealed that Hewitt had made homophobic comments to police officers upon his arrest. This included mimicking one officer and calling him an offensive name. Such behavior only adds to the seriousness of his actions.

In response to Hewitt’s crimes, Recorder Lasker handed down a 30-month prison sentence and imposed a 10-year restraining order. This serves as a reminder that violence against women will not be tolerated.

The impact of Hewitt’s actions on Duvall-Gregory cannot be underestimated. She continues to suffer from the trauma, experiencing panic attacks and night terrors. It is a stark reminder of the long-lasting effects that domestic violence can have on its victims.

Hewitt’s sentencing serves as a warning to others who may think they can get away with such violent behavior. The justice system is taking a strong stance against domestic violence, and perpetrators will be held accountable for their actions.