Richard Simmons preps Broadway show with interactive workout numbers


Fitness guru Richard Simmons is gearing up to bring his energy and enthusiasm to Broadway. After a decade of relative seclusion, Simmons took to Facebook last week to announce his plans for an interactive Broadway show about his life. The show aims to create a space near the stage where audience members can join in on workout dance numbers. Simmons, who is 75 years old, expressed his excitement about the project, stating that Broadway is in his blood and he has countless ideas that he is eager to bring to life.

In addition to his Broadway aspirations, Simmons has been using Facebook to connect with his fans and share his love for the theater. He recently reminisced about his favorite Broadway shows, including the 1983 production of “La Cage Aux Folles.” This musical, adapted from a French film, captivated Simmons with its powerful anthem “I Am What I Am.” During one performance, the dancers even spotted Simmons in the audience and waved at him. Inspired by their talent and passion, Simmons went backstage to personally greet them and later sent each dancer a long-stemmed white rose. The dancers reciprocated his kindness by sending him a handmade thank you card, which he still cherishes to this day.

Simmons’s love for Broadway extends beyond “La Cage Aux Folles.” He has also enjoyed musicals such as “Gypsy,” “The Lion King,” “Flora the Red Menace,” “Barnum,” “Sweet Charity,” “Chaplin,” “Wicked,” “Mama Mia,” “Hair,” “Phantom of the Opera,” and “Fiddler On the Roof,” among many others. His experiences as a theatergoer have undoubtedly influenced his own vision for his upcoming Broadway show.

With his infectious energy and passion for fitness, Richard Simmons is poised to bring a unique and interactive experience to the Great White Way. Audiences can expect to be “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” as they join Simmons in a celebration of his life and love for Broadway. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project!