Man saves life with surgery after tooth infection leads to pus-filled eye


A man’s life was forever changed when a tooth infection spread to his face, causing a dangerous buildup of pus under his eye. Terry’s incredible journey is being documented on The Face Doctors, a groundbreaking series that showcases innovative treatments for genetic conditions and emergency trauma.

The situation took a shocking turn after Terry had a tooth removed due to an abscess at his local dentist. Concerned about the worsening condition, he was urgently rushed to the hospital to prevent any further complications. Reflecting on the situation, Terry admits, “I should have sought help sooner. I waited until Monday to go back to the dentist, and they immediately referred me here.”

Upon examination, the doctors discovered that the swelling under Terry’s eye was likely a result of the infection spreading from his mouth. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Shadi Basyuni explains, “Tooth infections can have severe consequences. If it reaches the eye socket, he could lose his vision, which would be catastrophic. Additionally, it could cause significant disfigurement and have a profound impact on his self-esteem. This is an urgent case.”

In an effort to alleviate the infection, Dr. Shadi performs a delicate procedure to drain the pus from Terry’s eye. Making a small incision in the skin surrounding the eye, he carefully removes as much of the infection as possible, reassuring Terry, “I’m doing everything I can to minimize the procedure while effectively treating the infection.”

Terry’s surgery and subsequent recovery are being shared to raise awareness and provide hope to others facing similar challenges. It is a testament to the incredible advancements in medical technology and the dedication of healthcare professionals. Stay tuned for updates on Terry’s journey and the transformative impact of The Face Doctors.

Flesh-eating bacteria spread across Terry’s face, causing concern among doctors. The priority for Dr Shadi is to remove as much pus as possible to relieve the strain on Terry’s bulging eye. The situation turns out to be worse than Terry initially thought, as overnight tests reveal a life-threatening disease eating away at his face. Terry is quickly rushed to surgery to prevent devastating consequences, including the potential loss of his eye and the spread of the infection into his bloodstream.

In the operating theatre, a team of specialists work to remove the pus from Terry’s face. They discover tissue full of microorganisms and bugs, and the skin on Terry’s eyelid has turned black, which is a major concern. Urgently, the doctors remove all the pus and dead tissue to prevent further spreading. They follow the oldest surgical rule in the book: if there’s pus, let it out! After draining the fluid from Terry’s cheek, they leave the wound under his eye open to heal.

After an eight-week recovery, Terry reflects on how the surgery saved his life. He realizes how lucky he is and expresses gratitude towards the team of people who took care of him. Terry believes they saved his life, as the infection could have reached his brain. He cheekily adds that he’s still got his good looks, showing his appreciation for being back to normal.

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