SHARON OSBOURNE: Why I’ll Never Speak to Her Again!


X Factor star Tabby O’Callaghan has opened up about his experience on the show and his relationship with mentor Sharon Osbourne. Tabby, now 43, reached third place on the first season of the ITV reality show in 2004, with Sharon as his mentor. However, after the show ended, Tabby claims that the promises made by Sharon to take his music career to the next level, including breaking America, never materialized. He lost contact with her just one year later.

Tabby recently revealed that his final conversation with Sharon happened during the auditions for the second season of The X Factor in 2005. He had traveled to Belfast to meet with her and discuss his next move, as his career had stalled after returning to his hometown in Ireland. Tabby recalls the moment when the elevator doors closed, feeling that it would be the last time they would have a proper conversation.

During their final conversation, Sharon initially agreed to release Tabby’s single, “Number One,” in England. However, she later decided to only release it in Ireland. Tabby admits that he started to question whether Sharon had a plan for his career as time went on.

Despite the disappointment, Tabby holds no animosity towards Sharon and doesn’t blame her for her inactivity. He understands that she had her own career and other commitments to attend to. However, he does wish that their work agreement had ended earlier, so he could have pursued his ventures without being held back.

Tabby still works as a musician and credits his time on The X Factor for helping his career. He looks back on his experience with gratitude, even though things didn’t turn out as he had hoped.

Tabby, a former contestant on The X Factor, recently opened up about his time on the show and the experiences he had with various celebrities. Reflecting on his time with Sharon Osbourne, Tabby expressed his gratitude for the opportunity but also admitted that he wished he had left the show earlier. He revealed that he later discovered he had missed out on numerous offers during that time. Despite this, Tabby fondly remembered living with The Osbournes, particularly enjoying his conversations with Ozzy. The two would often watch the Discovery Channel together, discussing topics such as life, art, and music.

During his time on The X Factor, Tabby had the chance to meet and interact with several famous personalities. At a party in honor of jeweler Theo Fennell, he crossed paths with stars like Liz Hurley, David Walliams, The Pet Shop Boys, and Sir Elton John. Tabby described Sir Elton as “lovely” and even asked him about Queen legend Freddy Mercury. Sir Elton responded by saying that Freddy Mercury was “crazy like me, darling.” In another memorable encounter, Tabby found himself drinking with Oasis star Liam Gallagher and the late Lemmy from Motorhead in the first-class cabin bar of a flight.

However, not all interactions were smooth. Tabby recalled an argument he had with Liam Gallagher during the same flight. Liam criticized Tabby for participating in The X Factor, questioning why a “real musician” like him would be on the show. Fortunately, the situation was diffused by Liam’s bandmates who told him to stop. Despite the glamorous experiences and taste of fame, Tabby expressed that he has no desire to become a global superstar. He feels fortunate to have enjoyed his time in the spotlight before the intense celebrity culture of today took hold.

Tabby, the full-time musician and producer, recently had a ‘surreal’ encounter with the late Lemmy on a flight. Tabby, who plays in multiple bands and performs gigs regularly, is now working on releasing a single that draws inspiration from traditional Irish music.

According to Tabby, success for him means having the freedom to release singles without the need for a record label. He enjoys the liberty of playing the music he wants, with the people he wants, wherever and whenever he wants. He believes that this freedom is not just power, but also a source of true liberation.

Although The X Factor did not launch Tabby into worldwide stardom, he has no regrets about participating in the show. He considers himself fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet his idols and collaborate with Ozzy. The show also opened doors for him to travel around the globe and establish a successful career in the music industry.

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