Princess Anne Could Be the Next Great British Bake Off Star, Says Paul Hollywood

In an exclusive interview at Windsor Castle, Paul Hollywood revealed that Princess Anne, known for her love of Chelsea buns, would be the perfect candidate to appear on the hit show Great British Bake Off. The 58-year-old baker, who was celebrating the success of his “global brand” after receiving an MBE, expressed his fondness for the princess.

“I met her a few years ago at Buckingham Palace when the Duke of Edinburgh wasn’t very well. We were all with members of the royal family and I just happened to be there with Princess Anne, so to see her again today was fantastic,” he shared with the PA agency.

Hollywood even shared a snippet from their conversation, where Princess Anne expressed her love for baking. “She did say ‘baking is so integral to the DNA of us all. We love the smell’,” he revealed. Hollywood agreed, saying, “Absolutely, I grew up with the smell!”

However, it seems that Hollywood may have gotten himself into a sticky situation by promising the princess her favorite treat. “I think she’s particularly fond of Chelsea buns. I promised her some, so I put myself on the spot there,” he exclaimed.

While Hollywood wished his late grandmother, a big fan of the royals, could have witnessed his special day, his mother was present and overwhelmed by the news of his MBE. “She was very fond of the royal family, as we all are… she would’ve been over the moon,” he admitted.

From humble beginnings as a baker in his father’s small business, Hollywood has become a household name thanks to his success on Bake Off. Currently working on the show’s 15th series, as well as an American version and a charitable edition for Stand Up To Cancer, Hollywood is amazed at how the show has become a “global brand.”

“This little baking programme in a tent has created this huge stir!” he exclaimed. However, it’s not without its tensions, as he admitted to constant disagreements with co-star Mary Berry over the correct way to create scones.

Despite the challenges of fame, Hollywood is excited about his latest accolade and is looking forward to working on the next series of Bake Off and a new baking-themed book. For him, it’s going to be “full on Bake Off” for the rest of the year.

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